स्मरणात् दर्शनात् ध्यानात् स्नानात् पानादपि ध्रुवम् ।
कर्मविच्छेदिनी सर्वजन्तूनां मोक्षदायिनी ॥
“Tamraparni is the river, which destroys the karmas
of all living beings, who think of her, who see her,
who meditate on her, who take bath in and who
drink her waters. She bestows even Moksha on them.”
SRI TAMRAPARNI MAHATMYAM is a composition of
Bhagavan Veda Vyasa, much like the well known
Puranas and Upapuranas.
It consists of 64 chapters and 6407 slokas.
Language: English
Pages: 226